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   Beverly: 978-927-9100   |   Salem: 978-740-2333   |   Peabody: 978-535-3122   |   Gloucester: 978-281-8005   |   Marblehead: 781-631-2330   

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RE/MAX Advantage Statistics

For 2009, RE/MAX Advantage's market share ranks #2 in Units Sold and Volume in Essex County and #14 in Massachusetts.

Year YTD MA Rank Sales Sales Volume
2009 YTD 14 858 $296 million
2008 YTD 15 804 $309 million
2007 YTD 15 917 $370 million
2006 YTD 19 726 $284 million
2005 YTD 21 716 $281 million
2004 YTD 22 683 $258 million
2003 YTD 23 554 $202 million

Essex County, MA 2008 Market Share

1. Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage (all offices)
2. RE/MAX Advantage Real Estate
2. Carlson GMAC Real Estate (all offices)

(Based on Massachusetts sales, data courtesy of MLSPIN)

RE/MAX Franchise Statistics For Massachusetts and Essex County

#1 in closed sales per agent in Mass and Essex County.

#1in closed sales in Essex County #2 in MA.

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RE/MAX International Statistics

102,000+ full-time professional agents

6,900+ offices in 65 countries

$129,856 - average income of RE/MAX Associates

20 - average annual sides per RE/MAX Associate

30+ years of cumulative advertising establishing the RE/MAX name

46% - Percentage of all real estate television advertising done by RE/MAX in 2008

3.5 billion - RE/MAX's estimated television advertising impressions in the United States, 2005.

95 hot air balloons in the RE/MAX Balloon Fleet.

34 consecutive years of sales force growth, dating back to RE/MAX's inception in 1973.